
Creative Projects

Quill & Ink Fall 2016
Quill & Ink Summer 2016
Quill & Ink, Fall 2015

Travel and Adventure Articles

“Walk the Line”
“Right Place, Right Time … Right Whale!”

Food and Sustainability Articles

“The July Challenge Reprise”
“More Lessons from Food”
“Beauty in Simplicity”
“Battle Wounds!”
“The Conclusion Was Really Just the Beginning”

Outreach Articles and Publications

Click the images to view the publications.

“Is a CHS Student a Future President of the United States?”
“Andros Adventure!”
Currently Colchester January 2014

Currently Colchester March 2014

“How Do We Decide Whether to Close Schools in Inclement Weather?”

“Why Are School Meal Prices Increasing?”

Industry-Related Articles

“The Perils of Improper Punctuation”

“Dangling Modifiers”

“The Many Cogs in the Manuscript-Publishing Machine”